Move je buurt requirements

Hello Mover!

Great that you want to work with children to contribute to their neighborhood. On this page, you'll find some general documents you'll need during your project. If you scroll down a bit, you can find more information about your role and download the relevant documents. Do you have any further questions? Get in touch with your Move supervisor.

Good luck!

The Move-team


Coördinator Team

You are the one who keeps an overview, motivates and connects your team, and makes decisions.

Your task is successful if the collaboration within the committee and the communication with the project coordinator go smoothly. Additionally, you are responsible for:
• Planning and leading meetings, and sending the minutes to the project coordinator
• Ensuring that everyone completes their tasks and keeping an overview
• Sending the project plan to the project coordinator on time
• Maintaining a positive and active atmosphere within the committee

Under the "Downloads" section, you'll find a template for the project plan. Use this template to create your own plan.

Coördinator Think & Do Sessions

You will use your creativity, empathy, and teaching skills during and before the brainstorming & action sessions with the children.

Your task is successful when all sessions have run smoothly and are well-coordinated with the teacher(s) and the project coordinator. Additionally, you are responsible for:
• Designing and coordinating the brainstorming & action sessions, including sending the lesson plan to the teacher and project coordinator on time
• Encouraging the children’s creativity and safeguarding their ownership of the project
• Attending the school introduction
• Ensuring that the necessary materials are available during the brainstorming & action sessions

Under the "Downloads" section, you’ll find the goals for each brainstorming & action session, along with tips and tricks for each lesson. In the "Lesson Plan for Brainstorming & Action Sessions," you’ll find advice on building a good lesson structure.

Coördinator Resources

You will critically and realistically arrange the necessary resources to ensure that the idea can be implemented.

Your task is successful when sufficient (financial) resources have been secured for the realization of the project and the outing to student life. Additionally, you are responsible for:
• Financial administration: creating a budget, monitoring expenses, and tracking reimbursements
• Approaching local partners who can provide content support for the project
• Exploring financial possibilities with local partners (municipality, funds, companies, etc.)
• If necessary: arranging permits

Under the "Downloads" section, you will find several documents needed for creating a budget and submitting reimbursements. Don't forget to save the receipts for your expenses to process reimbursements.

Coördinator Activities

You will use your creativity and empathy to organize an exciting final event and an outing to student life for the children.

Your task is successful when both the outing and the final event run smoothly and are well-coordinated with everyone involved. Additionally, you are responsible for:
• Planning the program for the outing and the final event, designing and coordinating schedules
• Attending the school introduction
• Ensuring the necessary materials are available for the outing and final event
• Ensuring clear task distribution among the children during the final event

Under the "Downloads" section, you'll find tips and tricks for organizing the final event and the outing.

Coördinator Communication

You are the one responsible for bringing attention to your project and ensuring it is documented.

Your task is successful if as many people as possible are excited and involved in the project. Additionally, you are responsible for:
• Creating a plan to promote the project within the school, club, neighborhood, and beyond
• Creating updates for Move’s website, such as quotes and great photos
• Writing a press release
• Promoting the final event together with the children

Under the "Downloads" section, you will find several documents you'll need during the project. Don't forget to take photos and gather quotes during the brainstorming & action sessions. Make sure you have permission to capture images.


Do you want social media attention for your project? Don’t create your own accounts. You can send your text, photos and videos to

You can easily and freely create posters, flyers, and other visual materials using The Move project coordinator has templates available for this. There's also plenty of promotional material you can request, from balloons to a video to get fellow students excited about Move!

Want to create visuals for your project? Awesome! The best photos and videos show connection and action. For example, during the student outing, capture a fun conversation between a student and a child. Filming a neighborhood resident during the final event? Make sure to get permission to use the video. You can find a consent form here where names and signatures can be added.


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